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How to Activate the Multi-Currency Function In ABSS / MYOB Premier

Updated: Dec 26, 2018

MYOB Premier equipped with multi-currency function. However, this function is not activated by default. User need to activate this function when they decided they need to use it.

1. To activate the multi-currency function, you can go to (* Menu Bar) Setup- Preference

2. In the Preference window- System Tab, tick the box I Deal in Multi Currencies. This is a system wide option, it will apply to all user once activated. Then click on OK .

3. Once the Muti-currencies function is activated, system will create a new account at Income Category (Currency Gain Loss) to allocate the currency exchange gain loss for user. System will calculate the exchange gain/loss (realised) and auto post to this account for user. So user no need to calculate post the entry manually.

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